If you're scared of going to mage bank, unlock the rune shop.
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IF you're planning on 3-tick fishing then home tele to lumby and pick up 15+ swamp tar now.
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Bank the fish for cooking xp
You can pretty easily grow cats while doing this fishing grind since you can just feed it the fish you fish.
I recommend raising 10 cats for death runes in total, after that it's up to you if you can be bothered.
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You can feed caviar and roe to kitten, bring a knife to cut the fish
I honestly can't recommend any other way to train to 50 agility than fishing.
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Cook the salmon to regen run energy after every time you finish 1 attempt of the minigame
Buy 50 lockpicks while you're here
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If you really just can't stand thieving, you could go do LMS and sell rune arrows to a shop for your GP, but you
don't get any XP from that so that's why I don't really recommend it
75 Thieving is needed for all hard diaries so at least get that before going LMS