Additional Information
- If you want to boost brews from ToB for Song of the Elves you can stop at around 70slay, whenever u have 70herb banked
- You can go for a B ring during a dagannoth task if you want, 70def with full rune is decent for camping Rex
Additional Information
- You can finish all the quests that give herb xp or lamps, some hard diaries can also be done.
Additional Information
- If you can't afford to do it all with gold, you can buy like 2k coal and 2k iron and make steel platebodies.
- Steel is a bit slower but you profit GP from it so it's still a decent method.
- If you don't care about rushing Dragon Slayer II and Song of the Elves, just go do more slayer until you can afford to do 70 smithing with gold only.
Additional Information
- If you don't have 80 magic yet for blitz, you could go do MTA for B2P, master wand and inf boots.
- Use blood blitz against Seren. If you go in with inventory full of brews and restores, it's basically impossible to fail the fight
Guide Complete!