Should just about have enough money, but if you cant afford all of them then it's not a big deal, point is to just get a few fletching levels before WT
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If you see wolves near wintertodt, you went the wrong way. Shouldn't get hit by anything on the way.
Should now have 15 fletching and 20 construction as well, this will increase the xp you get in these skills from wintertodt.
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You really shouldn't be in any danger of dying with 10hp, but pay attention anyway, it's a long walk back if you die.
10HP accounts start taking 1 damage at 56FM even without warm clothing, but if you dug up the clue hunter boots and
gloves earlier then you might as well use them.
Do whatever method you want; solo, mass, fletching the logs, it doesn't make a difference as long as you get the 200k.
If you want, you can stay until you also have 12 magic logs for DT, but they're not mandatory
If you want, feel free to get 99 firemaking in one go. Keep the crates in the bank after 200k gp for better loot later